Cashiers Canine Connection
Cashiers Canine Connection's mission is to answer questions about dog training and dog behavior.The hosts of the podcast, Alissa Short, Dona Ampova, and Katie Darling are dog professionals in Cashiers, NC working to bring the Cashiers canine community together. Sponsored and Hosted by Mountain Dog Spa of Cashiers, NC.
Cashiers Canine Connection
Episode 4: Crate Training
Crate Training is the first of the Four Foundations that Alissa Short and Dona Ampova are going into in greater detail.
The crate starts the day of a dog in training, because the dog will wake up in his or her crate. The day will start with a leadership exercise in the crate. Alissa gives her advice as a professional dog trainer, explaining how to use a crate properly to achieve our training goals with our dogs.
Cashiers Canine Connection is Mountain Dog Spa's podcast about dog training and dog behavior.
In the next episode, Alissa and Dona will continue talking about the Four Foundations - the next episode will be about Feeding Protocol.
The Four Dog Training Foundations are:
1. Crate Training
2. Feeing Protocol
3. Threshold Training
4. Structured Leash Walk